Sunday, July 21, 2013


Scuba Diving Little Cayman

Here is a quick pic to give you an idea of why I've been away the past week (yup, that's me)! I'll be back with a better vacation recap, but in the meantime, since I have migrated from Blogger to Wordpress, and new posts no longer publish to Google Friend Connect, I wanted to do a quick post about the ways you can follow me on the new StyleSidebar - visit me directly

Bloglovin' - all of my new posts however you choose

RSS Feed - add to your reader of choice for all of my new posts

Facebook - I finally started a Facebook page and will provide links to my new posts, as well as articles or other things I like 

Pinterest - I add each new post to my Style Sidebar board 

Twitter - I'm still mastering communication through the tweet and plan to tweet the link to each new post 

Instagram - I don't usually link to my posts, but you'll get tid bits of my life through my Instagram 

Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiff I miss you. Hope you have been doing well. Sounds like a Fun Vacation by the ocean. Keep us updated. Ada. =)
