Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sunshine Award!!!

The sweet Caroline of The Girl in the Yellow Dress nominated me for a Sunshine Award! I was so surprised and honored that she thought of me! So, without further ado, please, see below to get to know me a little better: 

  1. WHAT IS YOUR PASSION? Cherishing the little things and trying to make a difference any way I can, no matter how small
  2. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TIME OF DAY? Evenings, around dinner time when I get a chance to unwind but still have a few hours ahead of me
  3. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF TODAY? Sitting down after a long work day to draft a new blog post!
  4. IF YOU COULD TRADE PLACES WITH ANYONE, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY? Honestly, I wouldn't want to trade places with anyone forever - I'm really thankful for all the people I have in my life and I would never want to lose them. That being said, I wouldn't mind a few days as a celebrity, a politician, or a designer!
  5. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO IN THE FUTURE?  The list could go for miles! Travel the world, have my own jewelry line, have a family, create something lasting. . . 
  6. WHAT ARE THREE QUALITIES YOU LOOK FOR IN A FRIEND? Honesty. Consideration. The ability to laugh at yourself. 
  7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? A tie between Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The History of Love: A Novel by Nicole Krauss.  There is something about everlasting love that I can't get enough of!
  8. IF YOUR LIFE WAS MADE INTO A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE TITLE BE? The Bar, a Blog, and a Boy (this was so hard to answer!!!)
  9. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME?  I Think We're Alone Now, Tiffany (of course!) - I still rock out every time I hear it, even though its not on my pocket rocker!
  10. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SCENT? Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies
And, now, for my nominations. There are few bloggers who have had an impact on me since I first met them in the blog world, in my short time blogging. Whether their comments put a smile on my face or their blog provides me with inspiration, they have provided a little bit of sunshine on my blog and in my life, deserving of some recognition: Bessie of Bravoe Runway, Kayla of My Kind of Yellow and Kate of A Journey in {Effortless} Style

Thanks again to Caroline! Can't wait to her Bessie, Kayla, and Kate's answers!!

Thanks for Reading!